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Meetings Behind Closed Doors

Writer's picture: Eric ExposéEric Exposé

"A parent carer forum is an organised group of parents and carers of disabled children from a local area. Their aim is to make sure that services in their area meet the needs of disabled children and their families.

They do this by gathering the views of local families and by working in partnership with local authorities, education settings, health providers and other providers to highlight where local services, processes and commissioners are working well, or challenge when changes or improvements need to be made"

The above is taken from Contact's website on what a parent carer forum is and so the East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum is no different in this objective. Recently however, there has been some questions from parents and carers as to whether the forum is working with all of its members or just a select few when it comes to making decisions. In regards to this Contact's website states: "Forums are keen to hear from as many parent carers as possible, because forums represent the views of all parent carers in the local area rather than advocating for individual families. There is usually a steering group of parents who lead this work, and forums are supported by an annual grant from the Department for Education."

Below is an email to the senior leader of the East Riding council from a parent (and former voluntary SEN support group leader) who was recently invited by a member of the PCF to a meeting with the PCF and Director of Children and Young People Specialist Services, Ronnie Hartley only to be contacted the night before the meeting to be uninvited with no reason:

"Dear Jonathan,

I hope you are well, today I was due to attend a meeting alongside PCF members. I was personally invited to the meeting (alongside other group representatives / service users)

I had prepared for the meeting to support the families I represent on my group and the Local Authority.

Yesterday I received an email to inform me my invitation had been removed .

The perception is that maybe some of the ones whose voices may not fit well with the political agenda - or who dare (god forbid) to have a difference of opinion would not be able to now have a seat at today’s table.

The perception is that maybe the ones who are not allowed to attend could ruin the PCF chances of having their MOU signed.

I felt it appropriate on this occasion to attach one of the children and young people's overview and scrutiny committee meetings from December 1st, 2021. The one which I did complain about at the standards committee.

To date ( over 2 years ) our Director of Specialist service hasn’t come out to meet the collective service users to personally go through this 10 point plan - (that’s how much service users are valued and included ) I am therefore at a loss as to how we are thought of as “ equal partners “of this plan how are we able to get behind a plan that many service users do not fully understand let alone how this will impact and achieve the best possible outcomes for their children and young people / family .

Since 2017 I have been feeding back to the DFE / OFSTED about the concerns in East-Riding. Through the years I have had my name dragged through the mud / I have felt persecuted for daring to speak up and out.

The National SEND picture is a disgrace and living through the personal treatment in East Riding as a full-time single parent carer /a volunteer of a parent/ carer group representative is intolerable.

I am fed up with hearing about data says this data says that - if your data was so “fluffy“ then why do you have a WSOA ? Fur coat no knickers data that’s what it is from my view.

Does this data show how many parent carers are on antidepressants does this data show how many children and young people are beyond crisis does this data show how many contacts I have in the early hours , does this data tell you how many parent carers are awaiting for SENDIASS service to support them in a meeting ( roughly 2 -3 weeks ) due to my alarming number of families I am signposting them to does this data show how many parent carers have left their jobs due to a dysfunctional SEND service .

Who do you think is picking up the mess?

Us full time “volunteers“ who are exhausted, fed up hanging by a thread because some of your senior officers are unable to work co productively.

I am evidence of how the LA treat an “ex looked after child “corporate parent lead . Who the LA advocated for who you gave a voice too. For you to try and take off me 40 years on for sharing this good practice on to support SEND parent carers - children and young people .

What I learnt as a looked after child was to read officers body language - I would appreciate if you could zoom into 2 of your senior officers in this committee meeting when our PCF chair is speaking then come back and tell me that they are respectful and courteous. The chair of the PCF Is not a representation of themselves but the members they represent the disrespect of the PCF chair is a disrespect of us the service users .

The amount of waste of the public purse on poor decision making process is part of the reason you have a big black hole of a deficit - no accountability a lack of scrutiny and poor decision making processes - some couldn’t run a Christmas party let alone a department : my personal viewpoint .

This evening I have deleted my group as I feel I will be better serving my members as a SEND activist .. I shall ensure it’s removed from the “local doesn’t offer “

Please could you ensure that my children / family are not “bullied “for this view or treated differently. .

I hope you enjoy your week



An empowered parent carer"



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